
About Us

Alexander Bennett, 37, is an inspiring figure within the gaming industry. He established the widely popular gaming website Gagzer. He is a fervent video game enthusiast who has successfully turned his passion into a fulfilling career. 

Alexander Bennett - co-founder and editor-in-chief Gagzer

Born and raised in an era when video games began to see major technological advancements, Alexander was instantly drawn to this captivating digital world. Since high school, he has continued exploring video games across all platforms. His niche interest didn’t just stop here; he also developed a hobby of collecting retro consoles, showcasing his genuine love for the ever-evolving history of gaming.

As he advanced to university, Alexander felt the dire need to create a platform where he could share his experience and expertise with other fellow gamers. Determined to migrate from merely participating in gaming forums to initiating a more significant interaction with the community, he launched his resource for gaming aficionados.

With the assistance of his classmates, the innovative Sophia Turner, and the dynamic Ethan Montgomery, the Trinity successfully breathed life into their vision — Gagzer. This online resource welcomes all video game lovers, providing an extensive platform to explore, share, and engage in intricate gaming discussions.

Sophia Turner - author of news, articles, and reviews

Sophia Turner is 37 years old. She is an author and lover of online games and eSports competitions. When Alexander Bennett invited her to participate in creating the Gagzer project, Sophia agreed without hesitation. She constantly monitors gaming industry trends and shares her articles on the Gagzer website. Her favorite games are Fortnite, Counter-Strike, and PUBG.

Ethan Montgomery - review writer and gamer

Ethan Montgomery is the author of reviews and articles on the Gagzer website. At university, I constantly played games, sometimes even to the detriment of my studies. I realized I wanted to devote my life to this at some point. I decided to create the Gagzer resource with my friends. His favorite games are Fallout, Halo, and Call of Duty.

Since its inception, Gagzer has grown exponentially, gaining wide recognition and becoming a go-to resource for rookie and seasoned gamers around the globe. As the editor and founder, Alexander ensures the website stays updated with the latest gaming trends, gaming reviews, tips, and tricks, thus maintaining Gagzer's relevancy and appeal.

Alexander Bennett’s Sophia Turner and Ethan Montgomery story shows that when passion meets determination and effort, it can bring about amazing results. Their unwavering love for gaming and entrepreneurial spirit has forever imprinted their names within the gaming community, inspiring many more to pursue their passion.